Friday, December 20, 2013

Genie Who Grants Wishes Joke

Remain Calm Adopt a Dog

Today's Joke:

A man was walking along the beach when his foot hit something in the sand. He looks down and sees a dirty old oil lamp. He picked it up, dusted off the sand, and a genie popped out! The genie sighed and said, "Seriously, you are the fifth person to bother me today! I'm tired, I'll give you one wish if you leave me alone."   The man replies, "Sure, I'll take one wish!"  The man starts thinking and says, "I've always wanted to travel to Hawaii, but I am terrified of flying. I wish for a bridge from here to Hawaii so I can drive there!  The genie shakes his head and says, "No, no, no, that's absolutely impossible! I can't do that, make a different wish!"  So the man starts thinking again and says "You know, I've been married and divorced twice. I have a daughter who seems to hate my guts right now,so, I wish to understand woman.  The genie replies, "What do you want, two lanes or four?"


Know how to catch a squirrel? Climb up a tree and act like a nut!


Remain Calm Adopt a Dog

@apexgardner (twitter)

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