Sunday, December 15, 2013

Golfing on Christmas Joke

Remain Calm Adopt a Dog

Joke of the Day:

Four guys all decide they are going to meet on Christmas morning and play golf. So they all go home and on Christmas morning there they all stand on the first tee ready to go. One guys looks at another and says, "How did you get out?"  He responds and says, "I bought my wife a brand new car and when she saw it she said she had to go out and show all her girlfriends and family, so she will be gone for hours.  The second guy says, "Well I bought my wife a beautiful new ring for Christmas and she stormed out of the house and had to do the same thing. Go show everyone!  The third guy says, "I bought my wife a cruise that she has always wanted to go on and I gave her all the pamphlets and material to read so she was engrossed in that for hours."  The final guy says, "those were all fine ideas but I got out of the house and didn't have to spend a dime. "How did you do that" one buddy asked?  He said "I woke my wife this morning and said, "Hey honey it's a beautiful day outside but I have a hard decision to make of either making love to you all morning or playing golf." She looked up at me and said, "Don't forget your sweater!!"


My drawing today is of a Golden Retreiver and her pup. Special shout out to Bryan and Nugget!

Enjoy! Remain Calm Adopt a Dog!

@apexgardner (twitter)

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