Friday, October 3, 2014

Doctor's Physical | Grasshopper | Brown's Fan Joke | New Dog Drawings

Remain Calm Adopt a Dog
Today’s Jokes:

An older man goes to the doctor for a physical. The doctor tells the man the results are fine and asks him how he is doing.
"I feel fantastic!" he replied, "God and I have made a really strong connection lately."
The doctor finds this a little odd, but is respectful and asks "How so?"
The man says "Well, when I wake up to pee in the middle of the night, God turns on the light for me. And when I'm done, he turns it off."
Now the doctor is curious as to what the man is talking about. He sends him on his way and calls the man's wife.
"Hello ma'am this is your husband's doctor. His checkup was fine, however he said something strange about God turning the light on when he gets up to pee in the night, and turning it off again when he's done."
The wife sighs and says, "Dammit he's peeing in the fridge again."


A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you". And the grasshopper says, "You have a drink named Steve?"


A Browns fan walks into a bar with his dog and the bartender says, "Hey bud, no pets allowed in here."
The man says, "But wait! This is a special dog, you have to turn on the game to see. When the Browns score, my dog does flips!"
Sure enough, when the bartender turns on the game, the Browns make a few field goals and the dog starts flipping and jumping after each kick.
"Wow," said the bartender, amazed, "that's great! What does he do when they score a touchdown?"
"I don't know, I've only had him for two years."



Funny Dog You Tube Video: Dog Eating Oatmeal

Please check out my sponsors links and thanks for checking out my blog, Remain Calm Adopt a Dog.

@apexgardner (twitter)

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