Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day! | Jokes | Kacy and Cali Yesterday and Today | Block Printing Fun

Today’s Jokes:
What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?
“I love you a ton!”

A recent college graduate took a new job in a hilly Eastern city and began commuting each day to work through a tiring array of tunnels, bridges, and traffic jams.
To make the task less onerous, he invited several of his co-workers to share the ride.
He soon found, however, that the commute continued to get more stressful, especially the trips through the tunnels. He consulted the company doctor.
"Doc," the frustrated commuter complained, "I'm fine on the bridges, in the traffic, in the day and at night, and even when Joe forgets to bathe all week long. But when I get into the tunnels and I've got those four other guys crowded around me in the car, I get anxious and dizzy and feel like I'm going to explode."
Without further analysis, the doctor announced he had identified the ailment.
"What is it, Doc? Am I going insane?"
"No, no, no, my boy. You have something very common in these parts."
"Tell me! What is it?"
"You have what is known as Carpool Tunnel Syndrome.


Why did the banana go out with the prune?
He couldn’t get a date!


Kacy and Cali Yesterday and Today

Kacy's Puppy Picture at Adoption

Cali Puppy Picture

Kacy and Cali (when Cali was adopted)

Cali and Kacy Today!

Over the past few months I have been doing block printing and having a lot of fun…Here is one of my favorites so far.

Super Dog Dollar

Pencil design of Super Dog Dollar

Background transferred to linoleum for carving

Center and foreground transferred to linoleum for carving

Carved background

Carved Center

Original drawing, background and foreground in various stages

Final product ready for framing

Please check out my sponsors links and thanks for checking out my blog, Remain Calm Adopt a Dog.

@apexgardner (twitter)

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