Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Night Fishing / Kacy

Remain Calm Adopt a Dog

Today’s Joke:

Off the coast of Newfoundland, a great many fishermen do their fishing at night. They navigate solely by the light of the moon, scorning more sophisticated methods. Of course, from time to time this method fails, and shipwrecks are the result.

The Department of Fisheries was reviewing statistics one day and was shocked to discover how many shipwrecks there were during night fishing. When they discovered that the fishermen were navigating by the light of the moon, they promptly installed buoys near all the dangerous shoals and reefs to aid night navigation. To their surprise, when the statistics came in the following month, the shipwrecks had tripled! The buoys were removed, and things returned to normal.

The moral of the story: You can't send a buoy to do a moon's job!

Over the past couple of months we have been teaching our dog Kacy to wait until we bless her food before she can eat...Check out her video:

For Christmas my family made it official...I AM A DOG FREAK!

Here's a photo of the magnetic they got me for my car


Please check out my sponsors links and thanks for checking out my blog, Remain Calm Adopt a Dog.


@apexgardner (twitter)

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